Friday, August 10, 2012

happy international day from owairoa primary! what a fantastic day was! the theme of the day was "we are many we are one" (camp 4 tribe anyone?) we began our morning with a parade around the school in which everyone walked with their country. how cool to see all the different cultures represented. i mean it amazed me how many children were dressed in their countries traditional dress and how decked out people got. some of the outfits were just gorgeous, it made me feel like we don't appreciate and respect all the cultures that make up america. i mean why not? we want to americanize everyone so much, and i think it is important to accept the culture of the place you are living but why not be proud of where you are from and showcase it once in a while. these children were so happy to represent their country, especially those from new zealand. hey could boost some patriotism huh? and i had an awesome time in my red white and blue, waving the american flag!

then we had a concert in the hall in which students performed from some of the countries that make up the school. it was neat to see the different dances and songs that they had, some of them were truly beautiful. my sweet little Mihailo from Serbia sang the national anthem with his sister. oh my goodness i was tearing up the whole time. he was absolutely precious and held the mic the whole time. hopefully my video will upload so you can see it. i was so proud! and what made me so happy was how proud the other children in our class were. they were so excited for him, what a special thing to see.

how wonderful is he??

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