Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 11 - July 10th -- Rotorua to Taupo
woke up ready to head out to Taupo. we walked across the street from our hostel to see some of the thermal pools i was talking about earlier. it smelled horrible, but was pretty cool. its just a park covered in marked off spots with thermal heat/water coming through the ground.

road tripping to Taupo was fun. we stopped at huka falls which was a really cool and we got to get out and stretch our legs/get out our energy. wanted to walk more but the only options were an hour or two hour walk so i got voted down haha.

got there and made our way around the little town and found a cute cafe to eat lunch at. i really liked Taupo it was full of shops and cafes and the lake, well what we saw of it the first day was beautiful! such a cute little waterfront. after we settled into our hostel we headed to a hot water spa that was a funny little thing down by the river. it was natural so it was pretty little but it was basically these two waterfall type things with rocks everywhere but little pools had been created so you could sit in the water and it felt great! we were here for awhile because it was so nice to just relax and hang out.

Day 12 - July 11th -- Taupo back to Auckland
we woke up in hopes to see the beautiful lake that we had seen from the day before, to take a nice stroll down next to the clear water, but sadly it was a chilly day and it was super foggy. i was quite upset to say the least so just grabbed some subway for breakfast and hit the road back to Auckland. made it back and had some great family time, and Macie was here for some yummy lamb and wii gaming.

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